Academic Concerns system
The Academic Concern system makes it easier for instructors to send concerns about undergraduate, graduate, or professional students who are struggling in their course(s) to the student’s college student services office. Each semester, a significant number of instructors submit concerns about students' academic performance, academic progress, or attendance, and thereby play an essential role in our ability to track and address student challenges. Faculty advisors may also submit concerns about advisees.
Why using the Academic Concern system matters
Many instructors are communicating directly with students about their concerns and therefore might not see the need to also submit a concern through this central reporting system. We ask that you please do so anyway because, for two primary reasons, your input is critical for our ability to identify students who may be struggling across multiple courses.
First, student services offices need this information to intervene swiftly and appropriately to offer these students optimal support earlier in the semester when it could make a difference. And second, at the end of each semester, we seek to avoid having students who performed poorly academically, but for whom no academic concern notices had been submitted by their instructors; as a result, Concern notices have proven to be very useful to college academic record committees when reviewing a student’s grades and engagement over the course of a semester.
How Academic Concerns reporting works
Key features of the Academic Concern system include: follow up communication to faculty submitting concerns, as appropriate; submission of multiple notices per student per course; bulk upload function, regardless of the volume of notices; ability to delegate submissions upload to Graduate TAs or staff; submission for any student (e.g. advisee, UG researcher), not just those in your class; and access to it via your Canvas dashboard (just click on the Help tab located on the left navigation bar).
Instructors and advisors submit concerns for students who are:
- earning low grades
- struggling with course material and not seeking an instructor's help
- extensive absences without explanation
- missing exams or assignment deadlines without approved extensions
- not making academic progress toward their degree
- concerning conduct such as observed unusual behavior in academic settings or students who appear to be struggling personally
All concern notices are routed to the student services office of a student’s home college. Based on information provided by the instructor, student services advisors will take one or more of the following next steps:
- contact the student individually and urge them to speak with their instructors or TA to address the academic issue at hand
- meet with them to discuss their circumstances
- make referrals to campus resources such as the Learning Strategies Center or Cornell Health
*You may also request to be contacted first before an advisor reaches out to the student
If you would like to report updates about a particular student (e.g., noticeable progress, continued or worsening concern) or speak with an advising colleague about your concerns in general, please contact the student services office in the student’s home college.
Sharing serious or urgent behavioral concerns
If you believe a student is experiencing issues that are serious or urgent behavioral concerns, please submit a referral (select the "Student of Concern Referral" under "Report Type") to the University's Student Support and Advocacy Services team. The college student services offices and the Dean of Students Office collaborate regularly on challenging and complex student situations.
In extreme circumstances when a student needs immediate attention, contact Counseling and Psychological Services directly at 607-255-5155.