The Kendall S. Carpenter Memorial Advising Award
In recognition of the importance of undergraduate advising and to honor his own extraordinary advisor, a professor of business management at Cornell from 1954 until his untimely death at the age of 50 in 1967, Stephen Ashley, A&S '62, Johnson School '64, and member of the Board of Trustees, has established the Kendall S. Carpenter Memorial Advising Awards. The Carpenter Award recognizes the sustained and distinguished contributions of professional faculty and senior lectures to undergraduate advising, and nominations are solicited annually from all members of the academic community. Nominees must be active contributors to college teaching and to their scholarly field, as appropriate to their appointments, and not have previously won the award.
The Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education oversees the award nomination and selection process. Nomination packets are due in November, with awardees announced in March and recognized each May at the Trustee Dinner. Congratulations to our past award recipients.
Four Faculty receive 2024 Carpenter Advising Awards Cornell Chronicle, May 2024
College and Unit Recognition for Faculty and Staff
College of Agriculture and Life Science
- Student-nominated awards to celebrate and recognize transformative advising, mentoring, and teaching practices
College of Engineering
- EPICC Awards for faculty and staff
- Engineering Excellence in Teaching and Advising Awards