Academic Integrity is a cornerstone of educational success, ensuring that students engage with their work honestly and ethically. To support students in upholding these values, Cornell University provides a range of resources aimed at fostering a deep understanding of academic integrity, and equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary for academic excellence.
- Read the Academic Integrity Code to understand your responsibilities. If you don't understand how it applies in your class, please ask your instructor or course staff immediately.
- Listen to Cornell students and faculty talk about the impact of cheating the 14-minute video Cheating.
- A failure to cite correctly may lead to a charge of plagiarism. Check out the Citation Style Guides to learn how to do it right.
- Learn about the rules around the Code and take a quiz to test your knowledge at the Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism site.
- Come to the Learning Strategies Center to get course specific tutoring and scheduling strategy advice.
- Has an instructor sent you a primary hearing notice? Consult with a student Respondents' Codes Counselors for no charge. They can help you understand the process and options.