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Cornell University

Find an Advisor

While each college and school has a slightly different advising structure, they share common advising goals by supporting students through:

  • fostering an inclusive environment

  • welcoming individual student perspectives with an approach of openness and equity

  • conveying a sense of trust and belonging 

Generally, Cornell has 3 types of advisor (may also be called "mentor") roles: Professional Staff, Faculty, and Peers. If you have an assigned advisor, you will find their name located in your Student Center. Each type of advisor contributes to supporting you in different ways. Here's what advisors can do for you:

Professional Staff Advisors  

You'll find that Professional Staff Advisors are truly the best place to start when you don't know who to go to with a question. Their titles vary, such as Academic Advisor, Advising Dean, Advisor, Assistant/Associate Director of Advising/Student Services, Director of Advising, Director of Student Services, Program Coordinator, Program Director, or Student Support/Success Specialist. 

Professional Staff advisors support students by:

  • staying informed of emerging and relevant themes, research, and trends in advising and student development 

  • removing campus roadblocks that may hinder students’ overall academic and personal well-being 

  • being knowledgeable about degree requirements, curriculum, and policy  

  • supporting students in negotiating the university's formal protocols as well as unwritten, inherent systems, expectations, and otherwise "hidden curriculum" 

  • promoting problem-solving and decision-making skills to help students become self-regulated learners, build self-efficacy, and develop a sense of agency 

Would you like to meet with a professional advisor in your college?

 Book an Appointment

Faculty Advisors

Some college and schools may refer to this role as Faculty Mentors or Directors of Undergraduate Studies. Many faculty provide discipline-specific guidance and mentoring, and partner with professional academic advisors to provide strong, complementary support for students. 

Faculty advisors support students by: 

  • helping to translate their academic interests into an appropriate course of study 

  • offering general guidance related to academic majors, internships, graduate study, and career planning 

  • inspiring student intellect and curiosity in a way that is unique to the faculty experience and perspective 

Student Mentors

You'll hear Student Mentors being referred to as Student Advisors, Peer Advisors, Peer Mentors, Teaching Assistants, or Tutors. Student mentors are typically upperclass students who have been trained to provide academic and personal support to other students. They also have a solid understanding of Cornell, including the opportunities and challenges that students can experience. 

Student mentors can provide valuable help to you in a number of ways, including:

  • providing support and encouragement because they understand academic and student life 
  • connecting to resources needed success, such as tutoring, financial aid, and career counseling
  • helping develop your study skills, time management skills, and test-taking skills
  • collaborating with Professional Staff and Faculty Advisors
  • role modeling well-being and co-curricular involvement