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Cornell University


Whether you need help building your schedule, navigating an academic challenge, or clarifying your academic or career goals, Cornell academic advisors are here for you! Your interests will undoubtedly evolve each year, so meeting with your advisors regularly is essential to helping you stay on track while also exploring the incredible options you have as a Cornell student. Your advisors are invested in your growth and development. Best of all, they'll listen and encourage you throughout your Cornell journey.

Your strategy for reaching your goals, however, must go way beyond simply ticking-off academic requirements. At Cornell, it's also about finding personal and academic support when you need it, developing your identity, engaging in our community, and enriching your education with experiences like internships, study abroad, public service, and research. It's also about doing your part in being an engaged, responsive advisee. 

Your Advising Support Network, described below, is an incredible resource of advisors (some assigned to you, while others you would seek out for mentoring) who are deeply invested in your growth and development. They will listen and encourage you throughout your Cornell journey so take advantage of their knowledge and guidance.

Advising Support Network

The contents of this section are in a segmented pie chart which demonstrates the multiple networks of advising at Cornell. A table representation of this information is also available directly below.

Advising Support Network Pie A segmented pie chart of the Advising @ Cornell support network. Pressing one of the buttons will present information about the advising group.

For details, hover over or select one of the options in the chart.

Text version of the pie chart

Category Section Description
Professional Advising College/School Student Services Offices Within your college/school are professionals who can offer advice about academic policies, course selection, career planning, as well as provide support if you face academic difficulties. This can include Advising, Career Services/Development, Diversity Programs, and/or Registrar Offices.
Campus Partners Offices such as Global Learning, the Office of Academic Diversity Initiatives, Student Disability Services, Dean of Students, Einhorn Center for Community Engagement, Student-Athlete Support Services, Cornell Career Services, Health Professions Advising Center, and the Learning Strategies Center all collaborate with college and school advising offices to support and enhance your experience at Cornell.
Advising Coordinators Professionals that reside in departments who can advise you on major requirements and who administratively manage aspects of the undergraduate program.
Student Mentoring Peer Advisors Experienced students who are trained to advise new students. They can help you plan a balanced schedule and identify academic and social opportunities that fit your needs.
Student Leaders In our academic spaces, student leaders include roles such as course-specific and study skills tutors, Engaged Ambassadors, Intergroup Dialogue Program facilitators, and course teaching assistants.
Faculty Advising Faculty Advisors (includes Pre-Major/Major advisors) A faculty member in your college/school or major department specifically assigned to you to help you acclimate to Cornell, understand the major curriculum, select courses, and /or make the connection between academics and your career goals.
Faculty Mentors Faculty who guide you informally throughout your time at Cornell by sharing their experiences, and offering their expertise, encouragement, advice and connections to resources such as staff, alumni or other faculty.
Directors of Undergraduate Studies A faculty member who serves as the contact person in their department to answer your general questions about the major or department courses, especially as you explore the major or when you need approval to transfer credits from summer study or study abroad, for example.