Advising@Cornell Framework
The Advising@Cornell practice framework is a developmental and interactive advising process grounded in research that incorporates elements from strengths-based advising, coaching practices, Cornell's Center for Dialogue and Pluralism developmental areas, and Design Thinking principles. This framework allows for the unique student support approach of each college, major, or unit while communicating the value of advising across campus.
Principles of the Advising@Cornell Framework
Cornell academic advisors enter the profession with various academic backgrounds and from diverse career paths, adding to the richness of their experiences from which they draw upon to support students. However, there are also specific onboarding and continuing professional education opportunities that are necessary to provide advisors with enhanced student development and systems knowledge, as well as to keep our advising community abreast of best practices within the field.
By providing intentional professional education resources that align with the four tenants of our Advising@Cornell framework, we are investing in our advising community – benefiting both our students and the University as a whole. Nested under each tenant, new and experienced advisors have access to resources in the areas of professional development, advising tools, research, and in-practice ideas used at Cornell and elsewhere.
- Building Trust & Human Connection
Foster a welcoming and inclusive environment and strengthen our capacities to connect authentically by learning more about their experiences and identities. - Celebrate Strengths and Identify Challenges
Support and empower students across differences and broaden our perspectives, challenge preconceived notions, build relationships and develop mutual understanding. - Design Strategic Action Plans
Share knowledge, ask strategic questions to promote problem-solving and decision-making skills and agency building. - Reflect and Assess
Help students become self-regulated learners, build self-efficacy.